Restless Leg Syndrome

What Are Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome?
Many people have become aware of a condition commonly known as Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). The condition of restless leg syndrome is often associated with the following conditions and symptomatic criteria including:
- Feeling and sensation resulting in an urge to move limbs, especially legs.
- Worsening of symptoms at rest. Some patients report symptoms are worse when lying down, or sitting for long periods of time.
- Worsening of symptoms during end of day or at night.
- Improvement of symptomatic conditions with activity and movement.
If you are having a hard time describing the sensations that you think might be restless leg syndrome, you are not alone! Many other patients have a hard time describing the condition. The general feeling associated with Restless Leg Syndrome is often described by patients as “something feels just antsy, creepy, or uncomfortable”. While most have these feeling in their legs, the syndrome can occur in arms as well. An urge to move while experiencing these symptoms is also common.

Rule Out Vein Problems, Treatment Options
Various treatment options for RLS are available including iron supplements, pharmacological treatment (drugs), and lifestyle changes including exercise. Treatment and diagnoses for restless leg syndrome should be sought if your discomfort is consistent.
In addition to consulting with your primary care Physician on the best course of treatment, a consult with a venous disease specialist (Vein Doctor), should be part of a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan. Consulting with a venous specialist is important to rule out venous disease as a possible underlying cause of RLS before embarking on a course of therapy.
Nelson Vein offers diagnoses and treatment (if underlying cause is vein related) for restless leg syndrome. If your RLS is caused by varicose veins, or other venous insufficiency, our clinic specializes in the treatment of these conditions. Please schedule a consult with us if you are concerned about restless leg syndrome.

Schedule Your Consultation
To request a Restless Leg Syndrome consultation, fill out the form below or call us at 440-617-6061.